
“You study WHAT?” – Limnology!

I don’t know if it would have been worse if I had pursued my love for herpetology and keep explaining to people that it is not the study of herpes virus, or what I actually ended up doing. I still keep getting weird looks upon such an “alien” word. It is funny, though, this is not a complaint, I like to talk about it and show people something new! Because of these reactions, throughout the last years I have managed to improve the answer to the question: “you study WHAT?!”

Limnology, the study of inland waters.

“Can’t you just say freshwater?”, a friend once asked.

Well, I could, but it would also be a lie. There are saline lakes and other types of inland water bodies that are not necessarily “freshwater”.


Well yes, but also rivers, ponds, wetlands, floodplains…even groundwater and man-made systems.

“I don’t get it, isn’t it just water?”

Well, not “just” water. A whole watershed perspective is important. This includes the study of the biological, physical, chemical, geological attributes, including people, as there are important socioeconomic components for managing and conserving water resources. Limnology is a very multidisciplinary field nowadays. 

However, my favorite answer to the question does not even go into that much detail but I feel it’s clearer than, well, water. Stealing from another very famous branch of biology with which most people are very familiar with, I very often answer with: “Limnology is like marine biology but for inland ecosystems”. After that, you see more pleased and understanding faces. 

(by the way, herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians, not herpes!)

Limnology River_RioVerde_BraeuNERD
“Río Verde” (Green River), a river in Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua, Ecuador.

How did I end up here?

From the beginning of my BSc to the end of it I went from wanting to specialize in botany to herpetology to conservation genetics to…well, you get the point. Most subjects marveled me semester after semester that I just wanted to know more and more about everything. For some years I thought I would have a tough time deciding what to pursue as my MSc afterward. However, in 2012 I had the opportunity to join a Scientific Expedition taking place in the beautiful Lake Atitlán. My future—then—seemed a bit clearer.

Growing up, my parents took us to Lake Atitlán quite often. Over time—through different travels, University field trips, and other personal reasons—this lake became something of a magical place for me. Due to several local political and social reasons, the lake has been undergoing a process of eutrophication for decades, and the physical signs (algae blooms) began appearing in 2008. This was (and still is…) devastating. 

My turning point

Several international and national universities and organizations started these Scientific Expeditions since 2009; I first joined in 2012. We sampled several points at the lake, at different depths, for phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic bacteria in the shores, physical and chemical parameters, benthic invertebrates, visual assessments in the main rivers within the watershed, and some environmental education workshops with the local schools, among many other things.

These experiences made everything clear: this is how I can and how I want to contribute to society through science. I just knew it since 2012. To put it somewhat romantically, I want to help save the lake and all other aquatic ecosystems that are so poorly managed and on which so many communities depend on. Plus, this way I get to do something positive while I do something I really enjoy and am passionate about!

Everyone needs water!

It’s no secret. We all depend on it. However, all around the world, we keep polluting and misusing our water resources. In a lot of areas, we still have no clue how these ecosystems really work. For me, limnology is really the way to go!

Here at braeuNERD, I intend to bring limnology (and other awesome science!) in lay terms for everyone to enjoy!

Limnology braeuNERD_LakeLunz
Lake Lunz in Spring. Austria.

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